# Binkd sample configuration file for Windows, OS/2 or DOS # Copyright (C) 1996-1997 by Dima Maloff, 2:5047/13 # Copyright (C) 1999-2013 by Binkd development team # $Id$ # # Path and name for the logfile, loglevel # log binkd.log loglevel 4 # # Your FTN domains: # domain [] # or # domain alias-for # The first variant specifies a domain as a default domain for 3D/4D addresses. # domain fidonet c:\\telegard\\echomail\\out 1 domain fsxnet c:\\telegard\\echomail\\out 1 domain micronet c:\\telegard\\echomail\\out 1 #domain tqwnet c:\\telegard\\echomail\\out 1 # # Your addresses, 5D or 4D or 3D: # address ... # If the first address is specified as a 3D/4D address, its domain will be # taken from the domain defined in the first "domain" line. If more addresses # are specified as 3D/4D ones, their domain will be taken from the first # address. # address 1:229/664.1@fidonet address 21:3/110.1@fsxnet address 618:500/23.1@micronet #address 1337:3/126.1@tqwnet # # Hide or present the specified AKAs if remote AKAs match the address mask # hide-aka [!] # present-aka [!] # Mask is compared to the 5d-form of address string, '*' matches any number # of any symbols (so you have to write '2:5020/*' but not '5020/*') # Use '!' to invert the mask # These rules apply in the same order as in config, you can present any address # #hide-aka 2:5020/999.* !2:*@fidonet # hide aka from all but fido zone 2 #present-aka 2:5047/999.1 2:5047/*.0* # present aka to all nodes in 2:5047 # # The name of your system, its location and your name # sysname "Northern Realms/TG" location "Binbrook, Ontario, Canada" sysop "Warpslide" # # System capabilities # nodeinfo 115200,TCP,BINKP # # Uncomment it if you want binkd log at your console # conlog 4 # # If a log message matches one of these masks, it won't be written to log # (masks are in shell/glob style, case-insensitive) # #nolog "*socket # [0-9]*" #nolog "*.[bc]sy" # # Uncomment if you want T-Mail(FrontDoor)-style binary log # (Will work and have sense on PCs only?) # #binlog binkd.sts #fdinhist in.his #fdouthist out.his # # TCP settings. Leave this unchanged if not sure. # # Suffixes for time intervals are w for weeks, d for days, # h for hours, m for minutes, s or no suffix for seconds. # You can mix the suffixes, i.e. 1d12h is the same as 36h. # #iport binkp #oport binkp #oblksize 4096 #timeout 5m #connect-timeout 5m #bindaddr #listen * # # Zlib compression parameters (if built with zlib support) # zlevel - compression level (zlib only, bzlib2 uses 100kb always), # set to 0 to use default value of 6 # zminsize - files smaller than won't be compressed anyway # Rules: # zallow [ ... ] - allow compression for the masks # zdeny [ ... ] - deny compression for the masks # If remote accepts compressed blocks (OPT GZ), its name will be checked # against these rules before sending each file. If the name matches a zallow # rule, the file will be sent with compression. If the name matches a zdeny rule, # it will be sent as-is. The rule matched first is applied. If a file doesn't # match any rule, zdeny will be assumed. # #zminsize 1024 # #zallow *.pkt #zdeny *.su? *.mo? *.tu? *.we? *.th? *.fr? *.sa? #zdeny *.zip *.rar *.arj *.ha *.gz *.tgz *.bz2 *.z[0-9][0-9] *.r[0-9][0-9] #zallow * # # Compression dll names, for win32 versions built with ZLIBDL # #zlib-dll zlib.dll #bzlib2-dll bzlib2.dll # # HTTPS or SOCKS settings. # # proxy # <- regular http/https proxy (i.e. squid) # proxy # <- proxy required username/password # # (as in browser) # # proxy # ^- proxy required NTLM authorization with username/password # your_host -- Windows host name without domain (i.e. MY_HOST) # your_domain -- Windows domain name (not FQDN, i.e. DEFAULT_DOMAIN) # # socks # <- socks4 proxy # socks # <- socks5 proxy without authorization # socks # <- socks5 proxy with username/password # # (RFC-1929) # # Delay of calls and outbound rescans in seconds # #call-delay 1m #rescan-delay 1m # # Max. number of inbound/outbound connections # #maxservers 2 #maxclients 2 # # Binkd will try to call a node N times. If failed, it will # hold the node for S seconds. The feature is off by default. # try 10 hold 10m # # Binkd will remove .try files after successful session. # The feature is off by default. # remove-try-files # # hold-skipped # Binkd will hold for S seconds all mail skipped by a node. (Def. -- 1h) # #hold-skipped 1h # # Don't send (only receive) files if no password for an inbound session # send-if-pwd # Tzoff corrects UTC time returned by time() under DOS-derived OS # Using system TZ variable or tzselect(8) is preferred. #tzoff 3h # # Use syslog (Only if made with -DHAVE_VSYSLOG and -DHAVE_FACILITYNAMES) # #syslog local0 # # Print percents while sending or receiving # percents # # List queue after rescans # #printq # # Perform reverse resolving (for logging only) # #backresolv # # Log pid (it is meaningful only in a Unix-like OS) # #pid-file /var/run/binkd.pid # # Map paths in flo's: # ftrans # Use as many ftrans's as you want. # #ftrans "/var/spool/fido/outb" "d:\\fido\\outbound" #ftrans "/" "\\" # this replaces all slashes in a path # # Inbound directories for secure and non-secure links # inbound c:\\telegard\\echomail\\in inbound-nonsecure c:\\telegard\\echomail\\unsec # # Directory for incomplete receiving files (.hr and .dt), # default to inbound for the node # temp-inbound c:\\telegard\\echomail\\temp # # Binkd will skip all files from a node if # size_of_the_next_file_for_us_there + minfree < free_space_in_inbound # The zero value and the value 4294967295 (2**32-1) are equivalent to infinity. # minfree 2048 minfree-nonsecure 2048 # # When trying to receive a new file: remove partial files with this # name but different size or time from inbound. (If commented out, binkd # will left old parts as .dt and .hr in the inbound directory). # kill-dup-partial-files # # Remove all old partial files from inbound. (OFF if commented out) # kill-old-partial-files # kill-old-partial-files 1d # # Remove old .bsy/.csy files (If some are left after a system crash). It would # be wise to set this to 12h on almost any system. (Note that binkd always # touches .bsy's/.csy's for active sessions) # # kill-old-bsy is OFF by default. # kill-old-bsy 12h # # Create a flag file after receiving a file # #flag toss!.now *.pkt #flag toss!.now *.su? *.mo? *.tu? *.we? *.th? *.fr? *.sa? # # Run an external program. # The "*S" macro in command line substed with S.R.I.F., see !SRIF.TXT # The "!" before program pathname means immediate program execution # after receiving the file. # *** win32 only: # The "@" before program pathname means execute program in separate console # The "@@" before program pathname means execute program in hidden console # *** # Macros: *F - complete name of received file, # *A0..*A9 - first 10 AKA of remote system, # *A*, *A@ - list of all remote AKA separated by spaces # *P - password protected [0|1], # *L - listed system [0|1] # *H - remote hostname or IP, # *N - short file name (win32 only). # #exec "my-freq-processor /options *S" *.req #exec "d:\\fido\\allfix\\allfix.exe RP -SRIF *S" *.req #exec "my-pkt-unpacker /options *P *A* *F" *.pkt #exec "my-tosser /options" d:\\fido\\inbound\\????????.[mwtfs][oehrau][0-9a-zA-Z] exec "@start /min c:\\telegard\\husky\\mailin.bat" *.pkt exec "@start /min c:\\telegard\\husky\\mailin.bat" *.[mwtfs][oehrau][0-9a-zA-Z] exec "@start /min c:\\telegard\\allfix\\ticin.bat" *.tic # # Include a file # #include binkd.inc # # Overrides root domain for DNS lookups, see 'node' below. # #root-domain binkp.net # Use perl-hook for nodelist from # ftp://happy.kiev.ua/pub/fidosoft/mailer/binkd/nodelist.pl #perl-hooks d:\\fido\\binkd\\nodelist.pl #perl-var nodelist fidonet:d:\\fido\\nodelist\\nodelist.[0-9][0-9][0-9] #perl-var magichost * #perl-dll perl58.dll # only for win32 and os/2 versions with runtime DLL load # # Perl hooks file (if built with Perl) # #perl-hooks /path/to/binkdhooks.pl # # Perl DLL file (only matters if compiled with PERLDL=1 for Win32). # Uncomment only if the number after 'perl' corresponds to the Perl version # used when binkd was built. # #perl-dll perl58.dll # # binkd will refuse to start if perl-hooks script has compilation errors. # Note, that run-time errors still can occur. # #perl-strict # # This variables can be used in perl hooks as $cfg{"name"} # Syntax: perl-var # #perl-var nodelist d:\\fido\\nodelist\\nodelist.[0-9][0-9][0-9] # # Scan T-Mail boxes (short and long) # #filebox d:\\fido\\t-mail\\boxes # # Scan theBrake! long boxes # #brakebox d:\\fido\\brake\\boxes # # Should binkd delete empty boxes? # Uncomment the following line if yes # #deletebox # # Scan node outbound while connecting and send mail size to remote # prescan # # t-mail or ifcico (qico) password file. # Format of the password file: # [password] [,[][,]] # where: # [password] optional "password" token; # address of a link in the form 1:2/3.4@domain # or 1:2/3@domain or 1:2/3 or 1:2/3.4; # password for incoming sessions; # packet password, used when "share" token # is handled; # password for outgoing sessions. # Any password is one word without spaces or tabs. If or # is omitted, it will be assumed equal to . If a password is defined for # a node by the "node" token, then the passwords for the node in the password # file will be ignored. # #passwords d:\\fido\\t-mail\\password.lst # # Skip files: # skip [all|listed|unlisted|secure|unsecure] [!]|- ... # # 'all' applies to all sessions (default) # 'listed' applies to sessions with the nodes defined by 'node' keyword # 'secure' applies to password-protected sessions # # Use '!' before size for destructive skip, default is non-destructive one. # If > 0, then only files larger than in kilobytes will be skipped; # zero applies to all files; # if the is set to '-', then the rule will allow # any file matching the . # # is a shell-style mask, case-insensitive (except for symbols in []), # multiple masks for a rule are permitted. # # Policy for rule processing is first-match # #skip all 0 *.mp3 *.avi #skip unsecure 256 *.pkt #skip unsecure !0 * # # Overwrite the existing file by the new received, # do not save with the changed extension # #overwrite net_*.* # # Inbound filename case: # inboundcase [save(default)|upper|lower|mixed] # # 'save' don't change filename case (default) # 'upper' uppercase filename (FILE-NAME.EXT) # 'lower' lowercase filename (file-name.ext) # 'mixed' make filename pretty (File-Name.Ext) # # * tested only with english filenames # #inboundcase save # # Rename style if file with the same name already exists in inbound # rename-style [postix|extension] # # 'postfix' append number at the end of filename, after dot (default) # example: file.ext -> file.ext.1 # 'extension' change filename extension # example: file.ext -> file.ex0 # # Not applied to *.pkt, arcmail, *.tic, *.req - only filename is changed # for these file types. # #rename-style postfix # # Should binkd send empty files? # dont-send-empty [no(default)|arcmail|yes] # # 'no' inhibit only sending *.?ut (netmail) with size <=60 bytes # 'arcmail' do not send zero-size arcmail and pkt <= 60 bytes # 'yes' do not send all zero-size files and pkt <= 60 bytes # #dont-send-empty no # # Should binkd delete empty point dirs in BSO? # Uncomment the following line if yes # deletedirs # # Use Amiga Style Outbound (ASO) # #aso # # Limit bandwidth (rate): # limit-rate [all|listed|unlisted|secure|unsecure] [kM%]|- ... # # is a max allowed rate in bytes-per-second (k=kbytes, M=Mbytes). # If '%' is specified, the node -bw rate will be multiplied by this value # in percents, if '-' is specified, then rate will be unlimited. # is a filename mask to apply this rule to. # # limit-rate rules are checked in the order they appear in config, first # matching rule is applied. # # IMPORTANT! If a node has no explicitly defined bandwidth limit, the # defnode's limit will be used. If defnode has no limit, rate will be unlimited. # #limit-rate unsecure - *.pkt #limit-rate unsecure 2k * # Define shared aka # Add a shared-address as aka for any node from this list, so that # uncompessed netmail for shared aka will be sent in the first session with # any node listed in shares; packet header will be updated to match this # node's main aka and pkt password # share [ ...] # example: #share 2:999/999 2:5020/52 2:5020/238 # # Check the sender's address in incoming pkt's, change the file extension # to if the check failed. # check-pkthdr [all|secure|unsecure|listed|unlisted] # # 'all' applies to all nodes; # 'listed' will be applied if at least one aka is defined by 'node' keyword; # 'secure' will be applied if at least one aka is password-protected. # # It's ok to specify . as well as - the dot before ext is ignored. # The policy set by check-pkthdr may be overridden by -hc or -nohc flags # in a 'node' definition (see below). # Flag order: -nohc (for any aka), -hc (for any aka), check-pkthdr flag # #check-pkthdr secure .sec # # Define a link: # node [[z:]n/]n[.p][@domain] [-nr|-nd] [-md] [-hc|-nohc] [-ip|-sip] [-bw [/]] [-pipe ] [-4|-6] [{hosts|-} [{[,[][,]]|-} [flavour [{obox|-} [{ibox|-}]]]]] # # * All non-"-" fields will redefine the values specified for the same node # earlier in config. # * The meaning of , and is the same as in # the description of the "passwords" token. Any password is one word # without spaces or tabs. If or is omitted, it will be # assumed equal to . # * Flavour is one of i, c, d, -, h and is the flavour for the outbound # filebox ("obox"). # * Binkd sends from obox all non-dir entries NOT matching ".*" wildcard. # EVERY TIME YOU PUT A FILE INTO OBOX, CHECK IF BINKD IS ABLE TO # UNLINK IT. Otherwise, the session will never end. # * Default for ibox is inbound or inbound-nosecure depending on the pwd field. # * Default for port is oport. # * '-nr' stands for 'Not Reliable Link', this works only on outbound calls # with another binkp/1.1 mailer. The option solves the only problem with # binkd having not enough time to start receiving a file from # non-zero offset before IP link's down, so don't use it unless you # have this problem -- really not effective # * '-nd' means "No Dupe Mode", this works only on outbound calls with # another binkd 0.9.3 or higher. The option solves the problem with # duplicating files when connection is lost but link is a bit slower # than it is with "-nr" option. # * '-md' means "Must have CRAM-MD5". This works only with the nodes using # versions of binkd or argus supporting this method. Do not set it if # your link can use an old version of binkd. # * '-nomd' - do not use CRAM-MD5 for this node (send plain text password) # * '-hc' enables check of sender address in pkt header for this node/aka # (overrides the setting of the 'check-pkthdr' statement) # * '-nohc' disables check of sender address in pkt header for this node/aka # (overrides the setting of the 'check-pkthdr' statement) # * '-ip' means "Remote IP check". In this case the node will be # rejected if it comes not from one of its IP-addresses. # Remote AKAs with bad IP-address will be dropped on outgoing calls. # * '-sip' means "Strict remote IP check". Like "-ip", but node will be # rejected if no IP-addresses are allowed ("-" or not resolved). # Remote AKAs with bad IP-address will be dropped on outgoing calls. # * '-bw' specifies bandwidth (rate) limit for this node. # If one value is specified, it will be used as both send and recv limit. # If two values are specified, the first one will be for send and the # second one for recv. # The rate values are expected to be in the format '[kM%]|-' # (see limit-rate keyword for detailed description). # * '-noproxy' disables usage of proxy/socks server when calling this node # (the node is expected to be inside local network). # * '-pipe' means "run an external command for building a tunnel to the node". # '*H' macro is substituted by host and '*I' by port number. # * '-4' only connect via IPv4 # * '-6' only connect via IPv6 # * Hosts is a list in form # host1[:port1][;host2[:port2]] ... # * Asterisk ('*') in the host list forces Binkd to perform # 1:2/3.4 --> p4.f3.n2.z1.binkp.net translation for a node's # Fido-address and IP lookup for the resulting FQDN in DNS. # Root domain part ("binkp.net") can be changed with root-domain # keyword. # # node 5047/888 - password # node 5047/999 hostname;* password i d:\\fido\\boxes\\to999 d:\\fido\\boxes\\from999 node 1:229/664@fidonet hub.nrbbs.net -md i C:\\TELEGARD\\BINKD\\FILEBOX\\FIDONET node 21:3/110@fsxnet hub.nrbbs.net -md i C:\\TELEGARD\\BINKD\\FILEBOX\\FSXNET node 618:500/23@micronet hub.nrbbs.net -md i C:\\TELEGARD\\BINKD\\FILEBOX\\MICRONET #node 1337:3/126@tqwnet hub.nrbbs.net -md # # Default node flags. Binkd will call an unlisted node if "defnode" is defined. # #defnode -nr *